viernes, 18 de abril de 2008

#books #feminism | Global Governance : feminist perspectives

Global Governance : feminist perspectives
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire [etc.] : 2008.
* Sbc - Investigación 339.9 GLO

OPAC Millennium

How are global institutions gendered? Do they play a role in continuing global inequality? Can anything be done to change them? In the first comprehensive study of global governance from a feminist perspective, this collection gathers together an exemplary line-up of internationally-renowned scholars to provide a theoretically-informed and empirically-based analysis of both the institutions of global governance and the attempts to transform them. Bringing together interdisciplinary and multi-level analyses of global governance within a coherent theoretical framework, this volume demonstrates the diversity and breadth within feminist approaches, including case studies from institutions such as the International Criminal Court and the World Bank, as well as regional organisations, such as the EU, and covering an array of policy areas including security, trade, agriculture and macroeconomics. This book provides an invaluable addition to the literature on global governance and will be essential reading for all those who study it.

martes, 15 de abril de 2008

#libros #feminismo | Antropología feminista

Antropología feminista
Méndez, Lourdes
Síntesis, Madrid : 2007
ISBN 9788497565400
Biblioteca Sbc Aprendizaje A-396 ANT

Para exponer los principales conceptos, debates, logros y fracasos de la antropología feminista este libro, mirando a ambos lados del Atlántico, recorre cronológica y discursivamente el contexto científico y político en el que el Hombre deviene objeto de estudio; las rupturas de método más significativas en la antropología social y cultural; la incidencia del sexo en la construcción del saber antropológico y en la práctica etnográfica; las sucesivas olas del movimiento feminista; la emergencia de los colectivos gays, lesbianos y transexuales; y las críticas de autoras feministas lesbianas, negras, "no blancas" y del Tercer Mundo. De lo teórico a lo político y viceversa, retener esa dialéctica sitúa la antropología feminista en la historia de la disciplina y en la de las luchas feministas, desgaja su corpus conceptual, y permite entender las coincidencias y divergencias entre sus diversas perspectivas de análisis.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

#books #feminism | Je, tu, nous : toward a culture of difference

Je, tu, nous : toward a culture of difference
Irigaray, Luce.
Routledge, New York [etc.] : 2007.
* Sbc - Investigación 396 JET

OPAC Millenniun
A passionate celebrator of "sexual difference," Luce Irigaray was never simply after the social equality that her generation so publicly demanded. She was seeking more fundamentally a society that celebrated the differences between the genders and their coming together in a union without hierarchy. As she formulates it in this compellingly readable introduction to her own thought, Irigaray is writing about how "I" and "You" become "We." Exploring along the way women’s experiences of motherhood, abortion, the AIDS crisis and the beauty industry, this book presents one of the most important thinkers of our day in her own words.